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It is possible to search for artists who have participated over the years in the different editions of the Competition by: surname (of birth, first name, name of art, other surname (surname different from that of birth including that of a married person), edition of the Competition, and finally State/Country for which the artist is competing, which may be different from that of birth or residence.
The results of the search are listed in alphabetical order by surname.
The editions in which any artist has participated, individually or in association with others, are displayed. For each of them, it is possible to visualize the works that have been chosen for the selection of the second level with the attribution of the prizes. If none of the works submitted has passed the first-degree selection, only the participation edition will appear.

Artists: 4088

Athanatos Elysia

Atkinson Ingrid Jennifer

Atzori Antonello

Au Eliza

Auermaa Erkka

Auermaa Tuula

Auld Ian

Avolio Stefania

Avvantaggiato Aurora

Aydemir Asli

Aydiner Betul

Azcunaga Gerardo

Azzaretti Giorgio

Baban Andra Alida

Babbi Matteo

Babel Lee

Babini Vincenzo

Bablok Karin

Babos Pálma

Babuniak Roma

Bachauer Walter Manni

Bächtold Jürg Christian

Badea Costel

Badié Paul

Baek Kyung-Won

Baele Edwin

Baey Pierre

Baggioni Jean-François

Baghdasaryan Gevorg

Baglieri Gaetano

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