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In control

Artista : Fois Antonio



Altezza (cm): 110

Larghezza (cm): 50

Profondità (cm): 40

Peso (kg): 10

Materia e tecnica: terracotta, grès, terra da raku, porcellana, vetro ottico, legno, gomma piuma, cinghia di polipropilene, metallo / terracotta, stoneware, raku clay, optical glass, wood, foam, polypropylene strap, metal

Tecnica: "In control" is a juxtaposition of four distinct objects: a cast glass made by fusing bullions of clear glass in a mould I have made from a model in foam sculpted by myself; a piece of ceramics made by combining distinct types of clay at different states (Slip, leather-hard, bone dry) in a press mould that I have made from a model in foam that I have shaped; a found wooden milking stool and a found sponge. All the pieces are assembled together and hold by a commercial strap.

Anno di completamento: 2021

Quest’opera è composta dall’assemblaggio di oggetti, diversi per storia e per materiali. Combina vetro, argille differenti, un antico sgabello da mungitura. Una cinghia tiene insieme i pezzi in una condizione di precarietà apparente.

This work is composed by assembling objects of different materials and history. It combines glass, distinct types of clay, an antique milking stool. A strap holds the pieces together in a seemingly precarious condition.

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